/*! * jQuery Custom Select Plugin - Master Source * 2014-09-03 * * http://www.blissmedia.com.au/ * * Copyright 2014 Bliss Media * Released under the MIT license: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ ;(function($) { $.fn.customselect = function(method, value) { // Default Options var $options = { "csclass" : "custom-select", // Class to match "search" : true, // Is searchable? "numitems" : 4, // Number of results per page "searchblank" : false, // Search blank value options? "showblank" : true, // Show blank value options? "searchvalue" : false, // Search option values? "hoveropen" : false, // Open the select on hover? "emptytext" : "", // Change empty option text to a set value "showdisabled" : false, // Show disabled options "useoptionclass" : false, "mobilecheck" : function() { // Mobile check function / boolean return navigator.platform && navigator.userAgent.match(/(android|iphone|ipad|blackberry)/i); } }; // Check for Additional Options if(method && typeof method == "object") { $.extend($options, method); } // Mobile check var $is_mobile = typeof $options.mobilecheck == "function" ? $options.mobilecheck.call() : $options.mobilecheck; // Select validation var items = $is_mobile ? $(this).filter("select") : $(this).filter("select:not([multiple])"); // Customselect control items.each(function() { // Original Select var $select = $(this); // Preset Options if($select.data("cs-options")) { $.extend($options, $select.data("cs-options")); } // Custom Select Container var $this = $select.parents($options.selector+":first"); var methods = { init: function() { // Initital Setup var setup = { init: function() { // Create Elements + Events setup.container(); setup.value(); setup.subcontainer(); }, container: function() { $this = $("<div/>").addClass($options.csclass); if($is_mobile) { $this.addClass($options.csclass + "-mobile"); $select.css("opacity", 0); } // Selector Container $select.before($this); $select.appendTo($this); $select.off("change", setup._onchange).change(setup._onchange); // Standard Events var hover_timeout = null; $this.hover(function() { if(hover_timeout) clearTimeout(hover_timeout); $this.addClass($options.csclass+"-hover"); }, function() { if($options.hoveropen) hover_timeout = setTimeout(methods.close, 750); $this.removeClass($options.csclass+"-hover"); }); $(document).mouseup(function() { if($this.is($options.selector+"-open")) { if(!$this.is($options.selector+"-hover")) methods.close(); else $this.find("input").focus(); } }); }, value: function() { var value = $("<a href='#'><span/></a>").appendTo($this); $select.appendTo($this); var searchvalue = ""; var searchtimer = null; value.click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }) .focus(function() { $this.addClass($options.csclass+"-focus"); }) .blur(function() { $this.removeClass($options.csclass+"-focus"); }); $("html").keyup(function(e) { if(value.is(":focus")) { var keycode = e.which; var options = $select.find("option").not(":disabled"); if(keycode >= 48 && keycode <= 90) { // 0-9 a-z searchvalue += String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase(); for(var i=0;i<options.length;i++) { var option = options.eq(i); var text = (option.text()+"").toLowerCase(); if(!option.is(":disabled") && $options.searchblank || text.length > 0) { if(text.indexOf(searchvalue) == 0) { $select.val(option.attr("value")).change(); break; } } }; if(searchtimer) clearTimeout(searchtimer); searchtimer = setTimeout(function() { searchvalue = ""; }, 1000); e.preventDefault(); } else if(keycode == 27) { if(searchtimer) clearTimeout(searchtimer); searchvalue = ""; e.preventDefault(); } else if(keycode == 38) { // Up var selected = $select.find("option:selected"); var index = options.index(selected); if(index > 0) { $select.val(options.eq(index-1).attr("value")); } else { $select.val(options.eq(options.length-1).attr("value")); } $select.change(); e.preventDefault(); } else if(keycode == 40) { // Down var selected = $select.find("option:selected"); var index = options.index(selected); if(index < options.length-1) { $select.val(options.eq(index+1).attr("value")); } else { $select.val(options.eq(0).attr("value")); } $select.change(); e.preventDefault(); } } }); var option = $select.find("option:selected"); value.find("span").html(option.text().length > 0 ? option.text() : $options.emptytext); value.removeAttr("class"); if($options.useoptionclass && option.attr("class")) { value.addClass(option.attr("class") || ""); } if($options.hoveropen) { value.mouseover(methods.open); } else { value.click(methods.toggle); } }, subcontainer: function() { // Container var subcont = $("<div/>").appendTo($this); // Input Box var input = $("<input type='input'/>").appendTo(subcont); input.keyup(function(e) { if($.inArray(e.which, [13,38,40])<0) { if($options.search) { methods.search($(this).val()); } else { methods.searchmove($(this).val()); $(this).val(""); } } }).keydown(function(e) { switch(e.which) { case 13: // Enter val = $this.find("ul li.active.option-hover").data("value"); disabled = $this.find("ul li.active.option-hover").is(".option-disabled"); methods.select(val, disabled); break; case 38: // Up methods.selectUp(); break; case 40: // Down methods.selectDown(); break; case 27: // Esc methods.close(); break; default: return true; break; } e.preventDefault(); return false; }).blur(function() { $(this).val(""); }); if(!$options.search) { input.addClass($options.csclass+"-hidden-input"); } // Scrolling Container var scroll = $("<div/>").appendTo(subcont); // Selectable Items var select = $("<ul/>").appendTo(scroll); $select.find("option").each(function(i) { var val = $(this).attr("value"); var txt = $(this).text(); var disabled = $(this).is(":disabled"); if(($options.showblank || val.length > 0) && ($options.showdisabled || !disabled)){ $("<li/>", { 'class': 'active' + (i==0 ? ' option-hover' : '') + ($(this).is(":disabled") ? ' option-disabled' : '') + ($options.useoptionclass && $(this).attr("class") ? ' '+$(this).attr("class") : ''), 'data-value': val, 'text': txt.length > 0 ? txt : $options.emptytext }).appendTo(select); } }); var options = select.find("li"); select.find("li").click(function() { methods.select($(this).data("value"), $(this).is(".option-disabled")); }); $this.find("div div").css({ "overflow-y": options.length > $options.numitems ? "scroll" : "visible" }); $("<li/>", { 'class': 'no-results', 'text': "No results" }).appendTo(select); }, // Catch select change event and apply to customselect _onchange: function() { $select.val($(this).val()); methods.select($(this).val()); } }; if($select.is("select"+$options.selector) && !$select.data("cs-options")) { setup.init(); } }, // Open/Close Select Box toggle: function() { if($this.is($options.selector+"-open")) { methods.close(); } else { methods.open(); } }, // Open Select Box open: function() { if(!$is_mobile) { $this.addClass($options.csclass+"-open"); $this.find("input").focus(); $this.find("ul li.no-results").hide(); methods._selectMove($select.get(0).selectedIndex) } }, // Close Select Box close: function() { $this.removeClass($options.csclass+"-open"); $this.find("input").val("").blur(); $this.find("ul li").not(".no-results").addClass("active"); var options = $this.find("ul li").not(".no-results"); $this.find("div div").css({ "overflow-y": options.length > $options.numitems ? "scroll" : "visible" }); $this.find("a").focus(); }, // Search Options search: function(value) { value = $.trim(value.toLowerCase()); var noresults = $this.find("ul li.no-results").hide(); // Search for Match var options = $this.find("ul li").not(".no-results"); options.each(function() { var text = ($(this).text()+"").toLowerCase(); var val = ($(this).data("value")+"").toLowerCase(); var add = false; if($options.searchblank || val.length > 0) { if($options.searchvalue && val.indexOf(value) >= 0) { add = true; } else if(text.indexOf(value) >= 0) { add = true; } } else if(value.length == 0) { add = true; } add ? $(this).addClass("active") : $(this).removeClass("active"); }); options = options.filter(".active").filter(":visible"); // Set Scroll $this.find("div div").css({ "overflow-y": options.length > $options.numitems ? "scroll" : "visible" }); if(options.length > 0) { // Select First Result methods._selectMove(0); } else { // No Results noresults.show(); } }, searchmove: function(value) { var index = []; $select.find("option").each(function(i) { if($(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) == 0) { index.push(i); } }); if(index.length > 0) { methods._selectMove(index[0]); } }, // Select Option select: function(value, disabled) { if(!disabled) { if($select.val() != value) { $select.val(value).change(); } var option = $select.find("option:selected"); var link = $this.find("a"); link.find("span").text(option.text().length > 0 ? option.text() : $options.emptytext); link.removeAttr("class"); if($options.useoptionclass && option.attr("class")) { link.addClass(option.attr("class") || ""); } methods.close(); } }, // Move Selection Up selectUp: function() { var options = $this.find("ul li.active").not(".no-results"); var selected = options.index(options.filter(".option-hover")); var moveTo = selected - 1; moveTo = moveTo < 0 ? options.length - 1 : moveTo; methods._selectMove(moveTo); }, // Move Selection Down selectDown: function() { var options = $this.find("ul li.active").not(".no-results"); var selected = options.index(options.filter(".option-hover")); var moveTo = selected + 1; moveTo = moveTo > options.length - 1 ? 0 : moveTo; methods._selectMove(moveTo); }, // Destroy customselect instance destroy: function() { if($select.data("cs-options")) { $select.removeData("cs-options").insertAfter($this); $this.remove(); } }, // Move Selection to Index _selectMove: function(index) { var options = $this.find("ul li.active"); options.removeClass("option-hover").eq(index).addClass("option-hover"); var scroll = $this.find("div div"); if(scroll.css("overflow-y") == "scroll") { scroll.scrollTop(0); var selected = options.eq(index); offset = selected.offset().top + selected.outerHeight() - scroll.offset().top - scroll.height(); if(offset > 0) { scroll.scrollTop(offset); } } } }; var call_method = method; // Check for Additional Options if(call_method && typeof call_method == "object") { call_method = "init"; value = null; } $options.selector = "."+$options.csclass; // Load Requested Method call_method = call_method ? call_method : "init"; if(typeof methods[call_method] == "function") { methods[call_method].call(this, value); } if(call_method != "destroy") { $select.data("cs-options", $options); } }); return this; }; })(jQuery);